accounting approach

英 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ əˈprəʊtʃ] 美 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ əˈproʊtʃ]




  1. His sharp business acumen meant he quickly rose to the top.
  2. One theory is that few tech giants report earnings according to GAAP, an accounting standard that takes a conservative approach to how companies record stock options as expenses.
  3. In rare cases, where application isolation is not a concern but running applications under different operating system identities for accounting purposes is desirable, the third approach can be used.
  4. Accounting rules now encourage a backward-looking, quantitative approach.
  5. A Study on Accounting Standards Setting Approach: The Competition between Principles-Based and Rules-Based
  6. We mainly use production approach and income approach, also develop expenditure accounting approach.
  7. In order to get rid of the effect of earning management and changes in accounting regulation in the accounting study approach, we analyzed the acquiring performance based on cash flow analysis.
  8. Discussion on the Construction of the Dual-Driven Accounting System Based on Event Approach
  9. Labor input method is a new national accounting approach, which estimates output ( value added) based on data of labor input and output ratio ( value added ratio) per captia.
  10. Information Resource Accounting: a New Approach to Measurement and Assessment of the Benefit of Enterprise Informationization
  11. Accounting policy is accounting principle, procedure, approach, etc. which affect accounting statements directly.
  12. Based on the introduction of behavioral finance, the paper put focus on mental accounting approach to explain anomalies effectively.
  13. To enhance the relativity, accounting income concept gradually approach to economic income concept, which has a substantial influence on accounting income and income reporting system.
  14. Human Resource Accounting is an accounting procedure and approach to measure and report the cost and value of HR.
  15. It base on theories of Corporate Governance and Accounting, apply normative approach to make analyze from several aspects and point out the essential relation between corporate governance and accounting information, which make so many corporate go in bankruptcy.
  16. This article starts with the background of experiment research approached into economic research, introducing the scientifically design of accounting experiment and the prospect of research approach of the accounting experiment applied in our country.
  17. After Architecture enterprises carries out the new Enterprise Accounting System and Architecture Enterprise Accounting Practice Approach, it becomes one of most difficult content to calculate, record and offset allowance for accrued loss on contract every year.
  18. Applying selected Accounting Approach onto Taxes Planning
  19. To carry out the full cost accounting is an effective approach to reduce medical cost
  20. Calculation and Accounting Approach of Human Resources
  21. The paper will analyze how the accounting approach can be used in the tax planning and what is the effect of the tax planning on the choice the accounting policies.
  22. Paradigm Vicissitude of Accounting Research Approach
  23. The positivist approach to accounting research is an approach to reach a quantitative conclusion through proposing hypotheses, collecting data, establishing models and analyzing statistics.
  24. Accounting index approach is a widely used method in conducting empirical studies of the performance of corporate M& A.
  25. When measuring the contribution of foreign trade to economic growth by use of accounting identity of expenditure approach, there is an inherent limitation, i.e. import plays an negative role to economic growth.
  26. The fourth section presents suggestions and methods to enhance the core competitiveness of an enterprise from the accounting approach.
  27. On this foundation, an empirical analysis is made on the mode of capital deepening and change of capital productivity of the main developed countries and NICs by means of the growth accounting approach in this dissertation.
  28. This paper applies the research about private order in economics to accounting research, using game theory and approach of history research to study the function, property and changes of private order in accounting information governance.
  29. The major economic consequences of internationalized accounting standards are characterized by internationalized income and cost. Competing for the right to formulate international accounting standards is an approach to maximize the interest of its own country.
  30. In practice, because of different accounting approach in different countries, the financial statements of insurance companies are lack of comparability.